Meeting Minutes – 04/16/13



The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President John Rudolph. 

MEMBERS PRESENT:  John Rudolph, John Beale, Rodger Timmons, Bob McCann, Patrick Dooley, Dallas Johnson, Rick Johnson, Billy Owens, John Vickers, Larry Morris, Don Gainey, Les Shope, Dick Durbin, Mike Thomas, Charlie Melton, Dusty Stacy(p), Justin Sutton(p).

MEETING AGENDA:  The meeting agenda was reviewed.  The agenda was approved by general consensus. 

PRIOR MEETING MINUTES:  John Rudolph advised that the minutes from the March 19, 2013 meeting were on the web site.  Dick Durbin moved that the reading of the minutes be accepted as posted; Larry Morris seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer Rick Johnson provided the following treasurer’s report:

On Hand:             $  572.10

Checking:           $3,214.39

Credits:                                $1,627.76

Balance:               $2,158.73

Bob McCann moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Dick Durbin seconded the motion.  The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

NEW BUSINESS:  There was no new business to be brought before the club.

OLD BUSINESS: Roger Timmons again brought up the possibility of modifying a summer Lake Talquin tournament this year to make it 2 half-days rather than 1 full day; possibly Saturday morning and Sunday morning.  This was brought up due to the extreme mid-day heat during the summer.  John Vickers mentioned that this had been discussed many times in the past, and had never come to fruition.  There are some members who do not want to fish local tournaments on Sunday for various reasons.  Dallas Johnson brought up the possibility of fishing a one-day split tournament, where the members would come in around noon, have lunch, sit around awhile, and then go back out and fish until 6:00 or so.  It was asked if the fish that were caught in the morning would be weighed at noon.  Dallas mentioned that they could be, or they could be left in the live wells.  John Vickers stated that FWC does not care for the double weigh-in format, as they want the leeway to be at the weigh-in and they don’t want to have to come out twice.  It was also mentioned that, with only one weigh-in, it may not be a good idea to leave the fish in the live wells for that many hours during the heat of summer.  At that point, Rodger withdrew his proposal.

DOLLAR POT:  Won by Justin Sutton

TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  John Vickers provided the results of the March 23rd tournament on Lake Talquin.

1st place – Marty Spears                                                                                                                                              2nd place – Rodger Timmons                                                                                                                                           3rd Place – Dusty Stacy

TOURNAMENT DRAW:  The following is the result of the draw for the April 20th tournament on Lake Seminole:

1)      Charlie Melton                                 Jason Meredith

2)      John Rudolph                                    Justin Sutton

3)      Rick Johnson                                      Cody Spears

4)      Dallas Johnson                                  Dusty Stacy

5)      Dick Durbin                                        Don Gainey

6)      Billy Owens                                        Patrick Dooley

7)      Rodger Timmons                             Bob McCann

8)      Brooks Woodward                           Les Schope

9)      John Beale                                          John Vickers

10)   Mike Thomas                                     Marty Spears                    


ADJOURN:  There being no further business; Dallas Johnson moved that the meeting be adjourned.  The motion was seconded by Dick Durbin.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m.