Attendance: Dick Durbin, Mike Thomas, Kevin Copland, Jason Kelley, John Vickers, Billy Owens, Marty Spears, Charlie Donahue, Les Shope, and Dallas Johnson
Dick Durbin read the minutes of the previous meeting which were approved by the members.
Les Shope provided the treasurer's report which was approved:
Due from members.....................................$16.50
Top Ten pot................................................$210.00
Marty Spears said that he is still working on getting a copy of the BFL bylaws.
Jason Kelley is still working on t-shirts for the club.
Kevin Copland said that our weigh-in bags need to be replaced. The club approved purchase of five new bags.
Members voted to weigh in at 3:00 p.m. for the Eufaula tournament in September. Members can launch at any ramp. We will have a cookout o Saturday evening at the house Marty has reserved.
Dallas Johnson won the Dollar Pot.
Draw for the August 19, 2023 Lake Seminole tournament:
Charlie Donahue - Jason Kelley
Les Shope - John Vickers
Dick Durbin - Mike Thomas
Marty Spears - Dallas Johnson
Kevin Copland - Billy Owens