Attendance: Billy Owens, Dick Durbin, Les Shope, Mike Thomas, John Vickers, Kevin Copland, Charlie Donahue, John Beal, Jason Kelly
Treasurer's report:
Due from members..................................$16.50
Minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.
The rule restricting membership to males only was discussed. The members determined to allow the rule to stay as it is.
Jason Kelly brought samples of the shirts available. The members discussed colors and gave Jason direction on what to look for.
2024 Officers were elected:
President: Kevin Copland
Vice President/Entertainment Chairman: Dustin McCormick
Secretary/Membership and Rules Chairman: Charlie Donahue
Treasurer: Dick Durbin
Tournament Director: Mike Thomas
If Kevin Copland's work situation prevents him from completing his term, Les Shope agreed to finish it out.
Kevin Copland reviewed the September Eufaula tournament.
The date of the Top Ten tournament was switched to November 4 to avoid conflicting with Veterans' Day. The members voted to fish the Top Ten at Tired Creek Lake in Cairo, GA. Kevin Copland will provide the directions to the lake and the specific ramp. Weigh-in will be at 4:00 p.m.
Kevin Copland won the Dollar Pot.
Draw for Seminole Tournament:
Les Shope - Jason Kelly
Kevin Copland - Dick Durbin
John Beal - Charlie Donahue
Mike Thomas - Billy Owens
John Vickers