MARCH 19, 2024
Attendance: Dick Durbin, Jason Kelly, Mike Thomas, Les Shope, Kevin Copeland, John Vickers, John Beal, Billy Owens, Dustin McCormick & Charlie Donahue
Meeting opened at 7:00pm
Minutes from February meeting was read and Dick Durbin motioned to approve and was second by John Vickers
Treasurers report was given and motion to accept by John Vickers and second by Les Shope
No old business
New business: a new waiver was introduced and discussed. After lengthy discussion it was motioned to be tabled until the next meeting to be discussed under old business. Mike Thomas said he would send a copy of the proposed waiver to each member of the club to review and comment on at the next meeting.
New member Zach Williamson was introduced to the club sponsored by Dick Durbin
The dollar pot was drawn and won by Les Shope “again”
Mike Thomas covered the results of the last tournament out of Bay City
Next tournament is March 23rd out of Sneads Landing, Lake Seminole
Billy Owens requested to fish with Mike Thomas for this tournament and was approved
The draw for the tournament was as follows:
Dick & Zach
Kevin & Jason
Rick & Charlie
John V. & Dustin
Marty & Dallas
John B. & Les
Billy & Mike
Dustin motioned to adjourn the meeting and was second by Kevin.
Meeting adjourned at 7:39pm.