Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
August 15, 2017
Attendance: John Vickers, Mike Thomas, Billy Owens, Rick Johnson, Les Shope, Dick Durbin, John Waugh, Rambo Waugh (p), Dallas Johnson, John Beal, Kevin Copland, Marty Spears
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:33 PM.
Meeting Agenda was presented and approved (1st John Vickers, 2nd Marty Spears)
Previous meetings minutes were approved (1st Dallas Johnson, 2nd Dick Durbin)
Financial report was reported as follows by Dick Durbin in Chris Edrington’s absence.
Cash on Hand: $364.33
Bank: $2991.05
Accounts receivable: $0
Credits: $2553.49
Total: $801.89
Top 10: $148.00
Financial report was approved (Motion to approve 1st John Vickers, 2nd Marty Spears)
New Business:
Due to persistent problems getting 70% of club members present to hold membership votes, Rules Chairman John Vickers discussed a possible rule change to the bylaws that would allow emails, texts, faxes, or other forms of written communication to count as proxy votes. Mr. Vickers presented the wording of said rule change to the club. An official vote will be held at the next meeting that needed membership is present.
Chris Edrington’s father passed away unexpectedly. The family has requested donations be made in his name to Children’s Home Inc, Paragould, AR. The club voted to make a $50 donation. Les Shope will make the donation with his credit card and be reimbursed by the club.
Rambo Waugh has met the requirements for club membership. He was successfully voted in as a member.
Dollar Pot won by Rick Johnson
Mike Thomas set up the upcoming Lake Talquin tournament. Tournament will be held Saturday, August 19th from safe daylight-3PM
Draw results as follow:
Kevin Copland/Dick Durbin
John Vickers/John Waugh
Marty Spears/Rick Johnson
Billy Owens/Dallas Johnson
Les Shope/Rambo Waugh
Mike Thomas/Chris Edrington
Next Meeting will be 9/5/17 at Smashburger.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:07(1st John Vickers, 2nd Dallas Johnson)