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Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2019

Attendance: John Beal, Dick Durbin, Billy Owens, Mike Thomas, John Vickers, Dallas Johnson, Rick Johnson, Les Shope, Gary Atkinson, Doug Willard, and Dustin McCormick (P).

Dustin Mc Cormick introduced himself and pledged.

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as posted on the web page.

No treasurers report.

It was reported that the club had gotten new weigh-in bags and had spent the money allocated at the last meeting.

Mike Thomas reported that pledge Austin Trent will be working out of town for some time and asked that his pledge period be put on hold until the beginning of next year.  The club approved.

Dallas asked that the meeting times be changed from 7:30 pm to 7:00 pm.  Members approved.

Dollar Pot was won by Doug Willard.

Draw for the August 24 tournament on Lake Seminole:
    Dallas Johnson - Dustin McCormick
    John Vickers - Doug Willard
    Marty Spears - Jerry Sego
    Rick Johnson - Gary Atkinson
    Dick Durbin - Les Shope
    John Beal - Mike Thomas
    Kevin Copland