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Meeting Minutes – 12/03/13



The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President John Rudolph. 

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Jason Meredith, Justin Sutton, Billy Owens, Dick Durbin, John Beal, Rick Johnson, Mike Thomas, Larry Morris, Les Shope, John Rudolph, Dallas Johnson, Marty Spears.

MEETING AGENDA:  The meeting agenda was reviewed.  It was accepted by general consensus.

PRIOR MEETING MINUTES:  John Rudolph advised that we did not have a quorum at the 11/19/2013 meeting, so there was no official meeting.  The minutes from the meeting of 11/05/13 had been posted on the web site, and asked if there were any changes.  There were none.  Justin Sutton moved that the minutes be accepted as posted; Dick Durbin seconded the motion.  The motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer Rick Johnson provided the following treasurer’s report:

On Hand:             $  542.48

Checking:           $3,647.33

Credits:                $2,219.33

Balance:              $1,970.48

Dick Durbin moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Dallas Johnson seconded the motion.  The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  There were no guests at the meeting.


2014 Tournament Schedule:  A meeting of the 2014 Executive Committee was held on 11/21/2013.  The purpose of the meeting was to come up with a proposed tournament schedule for 2014.  Les Shope, 2014 tournament director, presented a proposed schedule to the committee.  It was accepted with only one date change, due to one of our normal tournament dates falling on the date of the Talquin Open,  which is also Easter weekend.  The proposed schedule was distributed to the members present at the meeting.  There was some discussion about the schedule, but the overall consensus was that it was a good schedule.  Some of the membership wanted to include Lake Blackshear in place of one of the Lake Talquin or Lake Seminole tournaments, but there was concern expressed that there may be too many members who, for some reason or another, would not be able to fish 4 out-of-town tournaments in a single year.  The schedule will be voted on at the first meeting in January.  Don’t forget, your dues for 2014 have to be paid before you can vote on anything, so if you want to participate in the approval of the 2014 tournament schedule, the dues need to be paid either at the 12/17/2013 meeting or at the 01/07/2014 meeting.

Banquet:  The banquet will be held once again at Cedars Farm Plantation in Georgia.  Marty Spears will obtain the meat and do the smoking.  The date of the banquet is 01/11/2013.


Jerseys:  John Rudolph advised that Brooks Woodward wants to order the jerseys as soon as possible.  Rick Johnson will contact Brooks to make sure that all of the information is correct, and Brooks will place the order.  Anyone who is getting their name on the back of the jersey, or who has ordered a second jersey, will need to make sure they pay Rick Johnson for the additional charges.


In the absence of tournament chairman John Vickers, John Rudolph gave the report on the Top 10 tournament held at Deer Point Lake on 11/09/2013.  Results are as follows:

1)      John Vickers

2)      John Rudolph

3)      Les Shope

All participants agreed that, due to weather conditions, it was a tough tournament.  Dallas said he thinks he almost got a bite.  However, everyone agreed that it is a lake that they would definitely like to fish again.

DOLLAR POT:  The dollar pot was won by John Beal.  He won almost enough to buy 2 bags of Senkos.

ADJOURN:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by general consensus at 8:12 p.m.