Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
February 2, 2016
Attendance: Chris Edrington, Bryce Harvey, John Rudolph, Dallas Johnson, John Vickers, Doug Willard, Les Shope, Dick Durbin, Lee Huzagh, Rick Johnson, Kevin Copland, Billy Owens
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:30 PM.
Minutes of from the 1/19/16 meeting were approved as posted (1st Dallas Johnson, 2nd John Rudolph)
Treasurer’s report was reported as follows by Treasurer Chris Edrington
Cash: $249.66
Bank: $2137.50
Accounts receivable: $31.00
Credits: $1380.57
Total: $1037.59
Treasurer’s report was approved (Motion to approve Billy Owens, 2nd Rick Johnson)
New Business:
Treasurer Chris Edrington announced that he would be taking money out of credits for money due if not told otherwise.
It was discussed and decided that Dick Durbin will continue to handle the Tallahassee Bass Angler website.
President Les Shope noted that he would continue to try to reserve Smashburger for future meetings.
The upcoming Apalachicola tournament was discussed. A motion was made to get permits for the tournament. Motion was passed (1st John Vickers, 2nd Dallas Johnson)
Due to the need of permits, the upcoming tournament time and date was voted on. Vote was held and safe daylight to 3pm on Sunday, February 21st was decided on.
A vote was held and passed that Chris Edrington would be given an exemption from the draw for Apalach. It will be his son’s birthday and he wished to bring him along.
John Rudolph that former member John Wahl may repledge the club.
It was brought up that several club members have not paid their dues, nor have they contacted the club about their continued membership. This has caused some problems gaining a quorum for meetings. Rules Chairman John Vickers noted that he would try contacting these individuals before the next meeting to learn their intent.
A very brief discussion was held concerning the St John’s River Classic. Weather was bad and fishing was tough. The tournament was won by John Vickers with 2 fish.
Dollar Pot was won by John Rudolph.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, February 16th.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12PM (motion John Vickers, 2nd Dallas Johnson)