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Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
February 3, 2015

Attendance: Don Gainey, Billy Owens, Bryce Harvey, Wayne Bennett (P), Van Sutton, Mike Thomas, John Vickers, Dick Durbin, Kevin Copland, John Rudolph, Chris Edrington (P), Dallas Johnson, Marty Spears, Brooks Woodward, Rick Johnson, Les Shope
Meeting called to order by President Dick Durbin at 7:30 PM
The minutes from the January 20, 2015 meeting were approved as posted on the club website.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer John Rudolph.

Cash: $378.84
Bank: $2307.62
Credits: $1432.57
Total: $1253.89

Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.  

New Business:

Brooks Woodward introduced his guest Whit Tedder. Whit is considering becoming a pledge but is unsure with his work situation.

Billy Owens questioned the status of pledges Tony Canington and Phong Nguyen. John Rudolph mentioned that Tony had been in a car accident. As far as anyone knows, he was still pledging the club. Rudolph then announced that Phong had moved across the country and is no longer pledging.  

Tournament Director Les Shope gave a tournament report for the classic on the Suwannee River. He noted the fishing was tough, the weather was bad, but a good time was had. John Beal won the tournament with 5.25lbs and won big fish with a 1.59lb bass.  

Tournament Director Shope announced that the next tournament will be in Apalachicola at Bay City Lodge. Les has spoken to Bay City (Warren) and reserved rooms. Les decided he would get permits so the club voted on times and dates. Club voted to hold the tournament on Sunday, February 22, 2015. Time was set for safe daylight-3:30. 

Old Business: none

Dollar Pot was drawn and awarded to Chris Edrington.

Meeting concluded as motioned by John Vickers and seconded by Bryce Harvey.