Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
January 19th, 2016
Attendance: Bobby Yakin, Dallas Johnson, Billy Owens, John Beal, Rick Johnson, Mike Thomas, John Vickers, Dick Durbin, Marty Spears, Chris Edrington, Doug Willard, Kevin Copland, Les Shope
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:30 PM.
President Shope presented an agenda for today’s meeting which was approved by the club (motion to approve Dick Durbin, 2nd Marty Spears)
Minutes of from the 1/5/16 meeting were approved as posted (1st John Vickers, 2nd Dick Durbin)
Treasurer’s report was reported as follows by Treasurer Chris Edrington
Cash: $329.66
Bank: $2588.59
Accounts receivable: $31.00
Credits: $1365.57
Total: $1646.68
Treasurer’s report was approved (Motion to approve Billy Owens, 2nd Mike Thomas)
New Business:
President Les Shope noted that he had booked the room at Smashburger through February.
Tournament Chairman Mike Thomas announced that the back up scales were in need of repair. As the club rules state we must have back up scales, he went ahead with the repair. The scale company gave him a $100 credit towards new scales which made it more cost effective to simply buy a new scale for $225.
The club voted to approve the purchase of two new weigh in bags. Mike will go ahead with this purchase and have the club reimburse him.
Mike Thomas announced that the classic would be held at Georgia Boys Fish Camp on the St John’s River on January 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. He announced the room pairings for the event.
Dollar Pot was won by Dick Durbin.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM (motion John Vickers, 2nd Mike Thomas)