Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
January 20, 2015
Attendance: Rick Johnson, Dallas Johnson, Mike Thomas, Brooks Woodward, Dick Durbin, Kevin Copland, Rodger Timmons, Billy Owens, Lou Comer, John Rudolph, Les Shope, John Vickers, Don Gainey, John Beal, Wayne Bennett (P), Chris Edrington (P)
Meeting called to order by President Dick Durbin at 7:30 PM
The minutes from the January 6, 2015 meeting were approved as posted on the club website (motion to approve John Vickers, 2nd Les Shope)
Treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer John Rudolph.
Cash: $313.84
Bank: $2471.05
Credits: $1407.58
Total: $1377.31
Treasurer’s report was approved as presented. (motion to approve Rodger Timmons, 2nd Brooks Woodward)
New Business:
President Dick Durbin thanked everyone for the participation in the recent banquet. Special thanks went out to Billy Owens for sharing his home and Marty Spears for organizing.
Treasurer John Rudolph explained that the treasurer report does not reflect the cost of the meat supplied at the banquet; but, will be paying Billy Owens for this when the receipts are received.
Vice President Rodger Timmons made mention of the potential channel marker removal taking place on Lake Eufaula and encouraged everyone to be careful when we are there in April.
Tournament Director Les Shope passed out a printed copy of the tournament schedule including everyone’s phone #.
Tournament Director Shope gave out the contact information for Bill’s Fish Camp on the Suwannee River for the classic tournament. The phone number is 352-542-7086. He mentioned that rooms will be $65.00 dollars a night for double occupancy plus tax. He has made reservations for 12-13 people. He also announced that they do not take credit cards.
The set up of the classic tournament was discussed. It was determined that it will be $10.00 per person with a “winner take all” format. The time was determined to be from safe daylight until 2PM on Sunday. It was determined that everyone who needed a partner for Suwannee had one.
Old Business:
Treasurer Rudolph reiterated that he has put down a $200 deposit to reserve 4 cabins for the Lake Blackshear tournament.
Rules Chairman John Vickers announced that he had updated the rules as approved at the last meeting. A copy has been sent to President Dick Durbin. President Durbin noted that he will have them updated on the website in the next few days.
Dollar Pot was drawn and awarded to John Rudolph.
Meeting concluded as motioned by John Rudolph and seconded by Brooks Woodward.