Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
January 5th, 2016
Attendance: Don Gainey, Mike Thomas, Dallas Johnson, Bryce Harvey, Lee Huszagh, Rick Johnson, Dick Durbin, John Vickers, Billy Owens, Doug Willard, John Rudolph, Chris Edrington, John Beal, Kevin Copland, Les Shope
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:30 PM.
President Shope presented an agenda for today’s meeting which was approved by the club (motion to approve John Rudolph, 2nd Dick Durbin)
Minutes of from the 12/1/15 meeting were read and approved (1st John Vickers, 2nd Mike Thomas)
Treasurer’s report was reported as follows
Cash: $277.66
Bank: $2648.19
Credits: $1343.18
Total: $1582.67
Treasurer’s report was approved (Motion to approve John Vickers, 2nd Dick Durbin)
New Business:
The club officers for the 2016 year were officially introduced as follows:
President Les Shope
Vice President Marty Spears
Secretary Rick Johnson
Rules Chairman John Vickers
Tournament Chairman Mike Thomas
Entertainment Chairman Billy Owens
Treasurer Chris Edrington
The annual banquet was reviewed. It will take place at Cedar Farms Plantation on January 17th from 2pm-6pm.
Lee Huzagh officially pledged the club.
Tournament Chairman Mike Thomas presented the 2016 tournament schedule. A motion to approve as presented was made by John Vickers and the 2nd came from Billy Owens. The club voted to approve the tournament schedule as presented.
Mike Thomas announced that the classic would be held at Georgia Boys Fish Camp on the St John’s River on January 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. Mike asked that those planning on going please confirm with him and decide who they would be rooming with on the trip. Georgia Boys address is 217 Butler Dr., Satsuma, FL 32189. Ph # is 386-325-7764.
Dollar Pot was won by Dallas Johnson.
Meeting adjourned (motion John Vickers, 2nd Chris Edrington)