Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
January 6, 2015
Attendance: Rick Johnson, Dallas Johnson, Mike Thomas, Van Sutton, Dick Durbin, Kevin Copland, Rodger Timmons, Billy Owens, Lou Comer, John Rudolph, Les Shope, John Vickers, Marty Spears, Don Gainey, John Beal, Bryce Harvey
Meeting called to order by President Dick Durbin at 7:30 PM
The minutes from the December 16, 2014 meeting were approved as posted on the club website (motion to approve John Rudolph, 2nd Rodger Timmons)
Treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer John Rudolph.
Cash: $213.84
Bank: $2471.05
Credits: $1357.58
Total: $1327.31
Treasurer’s report was approved as presented. (motion to approve John Vickers, 2nd Dallas Johnson)
New Business:
Introduction of guest Chris Edrington ([email protected]) by President Dick Durbin. Chris explained that he is a lifetime fisherman. He is a professor at FSU, teaching electrical engineering.
Rules Chairman John Vickers proposed as a motion that the following text from the general operating procedures be added to the general tournament rules and regulations for clarification purposes.
“Changes to these General Tournament Rules and Regulations may be made at any regularly scheduled meeting provided the changes receive a 51% favorable vote from a meeting with a quorum present.”
This motion obtained a second by John Rudolph and was approved by the present members.
Rules Chairman John Vickers proposed as a motion that the following clarification to the General Tournament Rules and Regulations be considered.
Current language: “The newly elected officers shall recommend to The Club a tournament schedule for the coming year. These recommendations shall be presented for approval prior to the beginning of a new Club year.”
New Language: “The newly elected officers shall recommend to The Club a tournament schedule for the coming year. These recommendations shall be presented for consideration prior to the beginning of a new Club year. The recommended Club Tournament Schedule will be presented for approval by the club membership during the first meeting of the new year.”
The motion received a second by Rodger Timmons and was approved by the present membership.
Old Business:
Entertainment Chairman Marty Spears announced that the Club banquet will take place at Billy Owens' Lake Talquin home. Dinner will be served at approximately 4PM; however, Billy welcomed everyone anytime after 12. Billy’s address is 347 Gould Dr. As of the meeting, there were 39 participants signed up.
Tournament Chairman Les Shope proposed the 2015 tournament schedule as noted in the 12/16/14 minutes. Following discussion, John Vickers made a motion to accept the proposed schedule as is and Rick Johnson made the 2nd. Schedule was voted on and approved by the present membership.
Tournament Chairman Les Shope explained that contingencies are in place for the Lake Jackson tournaments. Lake Seminole will be the contingency for the March tournament and Lake Talquin will be the contingency for August.
Treasurer John Rudolph reported that he has put a $200 deposit down for 4 cabins on Lake Blackshear for the Oct. tournament and the remaining balance will be due on our arrival.
Tournament Chairman Les Shope requested a show of hands for those planning to attend the Suwannee River classic so that he could secure hotel reservations. 12 members indicated they planned to attend.
Tournament Chairman Les Shope requested a show of hands for those who planned to attend the Apalachicola tournament in Feb. so that hotel accommodations could be arranged. 16 members indicated they planned to attend.
Dollar Pot was drawn and awarded to Dallas Johnson.
Meeting concluded at 8:12PM.