Minutes July 2, 2013


Meeting Minutes – 07/2/13



The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President John Rudolph. 

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Larry Morris, Mike Thomas, John Vickers, Dick Durbin, Rick Johnson, Rodger Timmons, Billy Owens, John Rudolph, Justin Sutton, Dusty Stacy, Dallas Johnson, Les Shope, Don Gainey, Marty Spears and long-time guest Van Sutton.

MEETING AGENDA:  The meeting agenda was reviewed.  It was accepted by general consensus.

PRIOR MEETING MINUTES:  John Rudolph stated that the minutes from the prior meeting had been posted on the web site.  Dick Durbin moved to accept the minutes; Justin Sutton seconded the motion.  The motion was carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer Rick Johnson provided the following treasurer’s report:

On Hand:             $ 650.02

Checking:           $3,250.25

Credits:              $1,655.10

Balance:             $2,245.17

Billy Owens moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Larry Morris seconded the motion.  The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  Other than Van Sutton, there were no guest present; and everybody knows him.

NEW MEMBER INDUCTION:  Jason Meredith is now eligible for membership in the club; however he was not present at this meeting.  Billy Owens and Les Shope both spoke highly of Jason, as far as his personality and his fishing ability.  Rodger Timmons moved that we accept Jason as a new member; the motion was seconded by Rick Johnson.  He was voted in unanimously. 

NEW BUSINESS:  President John Rudolph advised that he had received an email from Jason Junkin.  Jason will be moving back to Birmingham, AL in the next two weeks.  However, he has asked that he be allowed to retain membership in the club, and will fish with us whenever he gets a chance.

OLD BUSINESS:    There was more discussion on the proposed changes to the tournament rules, making them more specific about the types of bass we are allowed to weigh in.  Currently, the rules just say “bass”.  John Rudolph read a draft of the modified rule that he had come up with.  There were a couple of suggestions, one of which was to do away with some of the redundancy.  In the end, Dick Durbin moved to accept the rules changes; this was seconded by Dallas Johnson.

DOLLAR POT:  The dollar pot was won by Rick Johnson.


Results of Lake Talquin tournament held 06/22/13:

First - Charlie Melton

Second - Patrick Dooley

Third - Jim Hughey

There being no further business; Dick Durbin moved that the meeting be adjourned.  The motion was seconded by Dallas Johnson.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.