Minutes July 16, 2013


Meeting Minutes – 07/16/13



The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President John Rudolph. 

MEMBERS PRESENT:  John Rudolph, Dick Durbin, Rodger Timmons, Rick Johnson, John Vickers, Larry Morris, Les Shope, Dallas Johnson, Marty Spears, Don Gainey, Charlie Melton, Patrick Dooley, Justin, Sutton,  Dusty Stacy, and Cody Carnline (p).

MEETING AGENDA:  The meeting agenda was reviewed.  It was accepted by general consensus.

PRIOR MEETING MINUTES:  John Rudolph advised that there was a minor hiccup in the prior meeting minutes, in that they still had Dusty Stacy as a pledge.  After this change, Dick Durbin moved to waive the reading of the minutes; Dallas Johnson seconded the motion.  The motion was carried.  Justin Sutton moved to accept the minutes as amended; Marty Spears seconded the motion.  The motion was carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer Rick Johnson provided the following treasurer’s report:

On Hand:             $  650.02

Checking:            $3,250.25

Credits:               $1,605.10

Balance:               $2,295.17

Dick Durbin moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Larry Morris seconded the motion.  The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  There were no guests present.


REPORT ON BILLY OWENS:  John Rudolph reported that, after he had checked himself out of the hospital, Billy had to go back in a couple of days later due to complications.  Billy is in intensive care at this time.


REPORT ON TAKING HANDICAPPED KIDS FISHING:  John Rudolph reported that there has not been much response from the other clubs regarding this.  The first weekend is not good for a lot of our members, which is when the younger kids will be going.  There are three or four members who will be able to help out that weekend, and possibly more for the second weekend.

DOLLAR POT:  The dollar pot was won by Larry Morris.


Prior to the draw, Rick Johnson advised that his Dad will be in town this weekend, and he would like to be allowed to take him instead of being included in the draw.  Larry Morris made a motion that this be allowed; John Vickers seconded the motion.  The motion carried.

Draw for Lake Seminole tournament to be held 07/20/2013 – safe daylight to 4:00 p.m. 

      Dallas Johnson                                  Cody Carnline

               Brooks Woodward                           Patrick Dooley

                  Larry Morris                                     Don Gainey

            Mike Thomas                                    Rodger Timmons

      Marty Spears                                    Dusty Stacy

                  John Vickers                                     Bob McCann

                      Justin Sutton                                     Charlie Melton

           John Rudolph                                    Dick Durbin

           Les Shope

     Rick Johnson

ADJOURN:  There being no further business; Dick Durbin moved that the meeting be adjourned.  The motion was seconded by Dallas Johnson.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.