Attendance: Hunter Peacock, Dick Durbin, Billy Owens, Rick Johnson, Tony Canington, John Harrison, Patrick Dooley, Les Shope, John Rudolph, John Waugh, Dallas Johnson, Larry Morris, Mike Thomas, Don Gainey, Bob McCann, Jason Junkin, Marty Spears. Charlie Melton
Meeting was
called to
order promptly at 7:30 pm.
Rick Johnson
gave the
Financial Report as follows:
Finacial Report:
Bank Balance | $3,292.05 |
Cash | $361.29 |
Credits | $2,087.55 |
Total | $1,565.79 |
Club agreed to pre pay for cabins for Blackshear out of general funds. To be paid back by participating members.
Dollar pot: won by Les Shope
Order of blastoff for Talquin tournament:
John Waugh (B) Les Shope (NB)
Billy Owens (B) Marty Spears (NB)
Charlie Melton (B) Patrick Dooley (NB)
John Vickers (B) Dick Durbin (NB)
Ron Wallace (B) Jason Junkin (NB)
John Beal (B) Bob McCann (NB)
John Harrison (B) Larry Morris (NB)
Tony Canington (B) Don Gainey (NB)
Mike Thomas (B) John Rudolph (B)
Rick Johnson (B)
Meeting ended at 7:50 pm.