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Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
July 18, 2017

Attendance: John Vickers, Mike Thomas, Billy Owens, Rick Johnson, Les Shope, Dick Durbin, John Waugh, Chris Edrington, Rambo Waugh (p), Dallas Johnson, John Beal, Kevin Copland
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:30 PM.

Meeting Agenda was presented and approved (1st John Vickers, 2nd Mike Thomas)

The last meeting would have been held on 7/4/17; therefore, it was cancelled.

Financial report was reported as follows by Treasurer Chris Edrington
Cash on Hand: $300.33
Bank: $2991.05
Accounts receivable: $8.80
Credits: $2502.30
Total: $797.88
Top 10: $122.00

Financial report was approved (Motion to approve 1st Mike Thomas, 2nd John Waugh)  

New Business:

Dollar Pot won by John Vickers

Mike Thomas, tournament chairman, reviewed the results of the Lake Talquin tournament held on 6/24/17.
1st Les Shope
2nd Rick Johnson
3rd Dallas Johnson
Big Fish Chris Edrington

Current AOY
1st Marty Spears
2nd Rick Johnson
3rd Bryan Crowe

Mike Thomas set up the upcoming Lake Seminole tournament. Tournament will be held Saturday, July 22 from safe daylight-3PM

Draw results as follow:
1) Billy Owens/Rambo Waugh
2)Mike Thomas/Chris Edrington
3)John Waugh/Les Shope
4)John Beal/Dick Durbin
5)Rick Johnson/Kevin Copland
6)John Vickers
7)Dallas Johnson/Marty Spears

Next Meeting will be 8/1/17 at Smashburger.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:45(1st John Vickers, 2nd Mike Thomas)