Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
June 7, 2016
Attendance: Doug Willard, Chris Edrington, Les Shope, Don Gainey, Dick Durbin, John Beal, Billy Owens, Marty Spears, Rick Johnson, John Vickers
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:30 PM.
Meeting Agenda was presented and approved (1st Dick Durbin, 2nd Marty Spears)
Minutes of from the 5/17/16 meeting were approved as posted (1st John Vickers, 2nd Dick Durbin)
Financial report was reported as follows by Treasurer Chris Edrington
Cash: $105
Bank: $3060.16
Accounts receivable: $30
Credits: $2018.37
Total: $1176.79
Financial report was approved (Motion to approve Dick Durbin, 2nd John Vickers)
New Business:
Scott Bisbing and Ted Alferman from FWC presented the new bass regulations for the state of Florida effective July 1st.
Largemouth limits will consist of 5 fish with only one 16 inches or longer. Limits were simplified as it was felt the different zones with different limits were too confusing. It is also felt that this will encourage the harvest of smaller, more abundant fish. The only change to tournament permits will be the reduction of a minimum of 10 individuals to a minimum of 6.
Limits of shoal, Choctaw, Suwanee, and spotted bass will consist of 5 fish with a 12 inch minimum and only one at or above 16 inches.
There is a 6.5 mile conservation zone for shoal bass on the Chipola River.
A lengthy discussion was held between members and FWC about the aggressive spraying of vegetation on Lake Jackson and Lake Talquin. The club requested better communication and, perhaps some input, when spraying plans were being developed and completed. The club also requested more accountability for those completing the treatments.
The results of the last tournament on Lake Seminole were reviewed by Dick Durbin in absence of tournament director Mike Thomas.
49 total fish for 126.99 lbs total
Big Fish was caught by John Beal
1st-Marty Spears
2nd-John Beal
3rd-John Rudolph
The location and times of the Lake Talquin tournament were voted on so that permits may be obtained. Tournament will be held at Williams Landing from safedaylight-4PM.
Dollar Pot was won by Rick Johnson
The next meeting will be held 6/21/16 at Smashburger
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 (motion John Vickers, 2nd Marty Spears)