June 4, 2019
Attendance: Chris Edrington, Kevin Copland, Dick Durbin, Gary Atkinson, Billy Owens, Les Shope, Mike Thomas, Dallas Johnson, and Doug Willard.
Minutes of the May 7 meeting were accepted as posted on the internet.
Financial Report:
Cash $370.00
Bank $2,072.98
Due from members $0.00
Credits $1,929.48
Chris Edrington reviewed the Eufaula tournament.
The Seminole tournament will be June 22 from daylight until 3:00 p.m.
Dick Durbin won the dollar pot.
Chris Edrington announced that he will be taking a new job at Clemson in August. He will try to finish fishing this year's tournaments but we will need to come up with someone to act as tournament director from August until the end of the year.