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Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
March 3, 2015

Attendance: Don Gainey, Billy Owens, Wayne Bennett (P), Van Sutton, Mike Thomas, John Vickers, Dick Durbin, John Rudolph, Chris Edrington (P), Dallas Johnson, Rick Johnson, Les Shope
Meeting called to order by President Dick Durbin at 7:30 PM
The minutes from the February 17, 2015 meeting were approved as posted on the club website. (motion to accept John Vickers, 2nd John Rudolph)

Treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer John Rudolph.

Cash: $393.84
Bank: $2308.62
Credits: $1639.94
Total: $1062.52

Treasurer’s report was approved as presented. (motion to accept John Vickers, 2nd Mike Thomas) 

New Business:

Tournament director Les Shope discussed the Lake Eufaula tournament in April. He requested that people let him know if they were planning on going by the next meeting so that he could make appropriate reservations.

Mr. Shope gave the tournament report for the Apalachicola River. John Beal was first. John Vickers was second and Les Shope finished third. 46 fish were caught in total with six limits.

Old Business:  

The dollar pot was drawn and awarded to John Rudolph.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:50PM (motion made by Van Sutton and 2nd by Don Gainey)