Minutes –
The meeting was called to order
at 7:30 p.m. by President John Rudolph.
The meeting agenda was reviewed.
Dick Durbin moved that the agenda be approved; Dallas Johnson seconded
the motion. The agenda was
approved. Dick Durbin advised that
the minutes from the last meeting were on the web site. Dallas Johnson moved that the reading of
the minutes be waived; Marty Spears seconded the motion.
On Hand: $ 565.10
Checking: $3,187.47
Credits: $1,559.77
Balance: $2,192.80
Justin Sutton introduced his dad, Van Sutton, as a guest at the meeting.
The recent resignations of Tony Canington, John Waugh, John Harrison and Ron Wallace were mentioned.
There was no new business.
There was no old business.
The report for the lower
1) Justin Sutton (9) Cody Spears
2) John Beal (10) Marty Spears
3) John Rudolph (11) Charlie Melton
4) Dusty Stacey (12) Mike Thomas
5) Les Shope (13) Larry Morris
6) Dick Durbin (14) Don Gainey
7) Billy Owens (15) Patrick Dooley
8) Rick Johnson
There was a total of 34 fish weighed in. There were 3 people who did not weigh a fish.
It was announced that the next
tournament is on
The dollar pot was won by Marty Spears.
There being no further business, Rick Johnson moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Dick Durbin. The meeting was adjourned.