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Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
March 1, 2016

Attendance: Lee Huzagh (p), Mike Thomas, Billy Owens, Les Shope, Rick Johnson, John Vickers, Dick Durbin, Cody Rowan (p), Dallas Johnson, Chris Edrington, Marty Spears, John Waugh, Lou Comer, Doug Willard
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:31 PM.
Meeting Agenda was presented and approved (1st Billy Owens, 2nd Mike Thomas)

Minutes of from the 2/16/16 meeting were approved as posted (1st Dick Durbin, 2nd Marty Spears)

Financial report was reported as follows by Treasurer Chris Edrington
Cash: $412.66
Bank: $2137.50
Accounts receivable: $45.00
Credits: $1567.56
Total: $1027.60

Financial report was approved (Motion to approve Dick Durbin, 2nd Mike Thomas)  

Intro of guests: Reuben was a guest of Cody Rowan. Hoping to pledge the club once he reaches his 18th birthday.

Old Business:

President Les Shope announced that he was able to secure reservations for meetings at SmashBurger through April.

New Business:

Mike Thomas reviewed the results for the Apalachicola tournament.
1st Les Shope
2nd John Beal
3rd John Rudolph
53 total fish were caught

The upcoming Lake Jackson tournament was set up so that Tournament Director Thomas could acquire permits.

A vote was held and it was determined the tournament would be held on Saturday, March 19th from safe daylight until 4pm. The tournament will be held out of Sunset Landing.

Mike Thomas announced that we would most likely blast off slightly earlier than normal. We will be blast off from outside of the canal without a blast off order. There is another, larger tournament going out of Sunset at the same time. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Mike Thomas announced that he has reserved 8 rooms for the Eufaula tournament in April and 7 rooms in September.

Dollar Pot was won by Marty Spears.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 15st.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM (motion Billy Owens, 2nd Dallas Johnson)