Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2021
Date: March 16, 2021 Tuesday 7: 00 p.m.
Location: Smash Burger
In attendance: Kevin Copeland, Marty Spears, Dallas Johnson, Les Shope, Dick Durbin, John Vickers, Mike Thomas, Rick Johnson, Dustin McCormick, Gage Warren, Garrett Heussner, John Beal, Billy Owens
Jacquez Coachman, friend of Jason Kelly, introduced himself and pledged. Gage Warren and Garrett Heussner also pledged.
Motion was made to waive reading of minutes from last meeting. Motion passed.
Treasurers report read and accepted:
Cash on hand $1,085.50
Bank account $2,192.18
Due from Members $50.00
Credits $1,979.61
Total Club Funds $1,348.07
Motion made by Les Shope to fish Camp Mack for the Classic Tournament on weekend of June 10, 11, and 12th, 2021. Motion passed.
Apalachicola tournament results read by tournament chairman. See website for results.
Next tournament to be held at Lake Eufala.
Dollar pot won by Dallas Johnson
Draw out – Lake Seminole
Marty Spears – Dallas Johnson
Dick Durbin – Jacquez Coachman
John Vickers – Gage Warren
Les Shope – Garrett Heussner
Kevin -Copeland – Dustin McCormick
Mike Thomas – Billy Owens
Motion made to adjourn