Meeting Minutes – 03/19/13


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President John Rudolph.


MEMBERS PRESENT: John Rudolph, John Beale, Bob McCann, Marty Spears, Patrick Dooley, Dallas Johnson, Rick Johnson, Billy Owens, Jason Junkin, John Vickers, Larry Morris, Don Gainey, Les Shope, Dusty Stacy(p), Justin Sutton(p).

MEETING AGENDA: The meeting agenda was reviewed. Dallas Johnson moved that the agenda be approved; Roger Timmons seconded the motion. The agenda was approved.

PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Dick Durbin advised that the minutes from the last meeting were on the web site. Bob McCann mentioned that the March tournament was incorrectly shown as being on February 23rd. After this amendment, Roger Timmons moved that the reading of the minutes be waived; Billy Owens seconded the motion. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was waived by majority vote. The minutes were approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Rick Johnson provided the following treasurer’s report:

On Hand: $ 465.10

Checking: $3,187.47

Credits: $1,459.77

Balance: $2,192.80

Billy Owens moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Dallas Johnson seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

Billy Owens stated that he would like to publicly thank Rick Johnson for the job that he is doing as treasurer. He stated that it is really nice to have a concise, accurate treasurer’s report at all of the meetings. This statement was met with agreement by all the members.

NEW BUSINESS: Roger Timmons brought up the possibility of modifying a summer Lake Talquin tournament this year to make it 2 half-days rather than 1 full day; possibly Saturday morning and Sunday morning. This was brought up due to the extreme mid-day heat during the summer. John Vickers brought up the fact that all of the permits for Lake Talquin for the year have already been applied for. John Beale mentioned that this could be changed, as long as we did it far enough ahead of time. At this time, the topic was only for discussion, it was not brought to a vote.

Billy Owens brought up, for the benefit of both members and pledges, that the tournament rules require that all fish be brought to the scales in weigh-in bags with water. It was also mentioned that the bags used are to be the bags that belong to the club. This is to alleviate the situation of people standing in line for extended periods of time with fish in a bag.

John Rudolph mentioned the Tallahassee Open (formerly the Talquin Open), and the fact that it would be held the Saturday following our club tournament.

DOLLAR POT: Won by Larry Morris

TOURNAMENT DRAW: The following is the result of the draw for the March 23rd tournament on Lake Talquin:

1)      Brooks Woodward Dusty Stacy

2)      Roger Timmons Justin Sutton

3)      John Rudolph Don Gainey

4)      Billy Owens Bob McCann

5)      Rick Johnson Dick Durbin

6)      Marty Spears Patrick Dooley

7)      Les Shope Jason Junkin

8)      Dallas Johnson Mike Thomas

9)      Charlie Melton John Vickers

10)   Larry Morris John Beale

ADJOURN: There being no further business; John Vickers moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Dallas Johnson. The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m.