Tallahassee Bass
Anglers Meeting Minutes 3/6/2012
Date: 3/6/2012
Attendance:Mike Wheeler, Bob McCann, Rick Johnson, John Rudolph, John Vickers, Billy Owens, Jason Junkin, John Waugh, Mike Thomas, Don Gainey, Fred Jones, Charlie Melton, Bill Cotteral, John Harrison, Tony Canington, larry Morris.
Meeting was
called to
order promptly at 7:30 pm.
Rick Johnson gave
Financial Report as follows:
Finacial Report:
Bank balance: $2,569.83
cash: $674.20
credits: $1,679.59
Total: $1,564.44
Old Business: There was no old business to be discussed
New Business: There was no new business to be discussed
Tournament report: John Vickers went over the Apalachicola results:
1st John Rudolph
2nd Charlie Melton
3rd Fred Jones.
Seminole Tournament:
The club voted to have the Seminole Tournament on Sunday March 25th from safe daylight till 4pm.
Tournament draws were as follows:
1. Dallas Johnson and Brooks Woodward2. Tony Canington and Mike Wheeler
3. John Rudolph and Jason Junkin
4. Mike Thomas and Larry Morris
5. John Beal and Jim Hughey
6. Fred Jones and Hunter Peacock
7. John Waugh and Bob McCann
8. Charlie Melton and Don Gainey
9. John Vickers and Rick Johnson
10. John Harrison and Billy Owens