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Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
November 1, 2016

Attendance: Mike Thomas, Dallas Johnson, Billy Owens, John Vickers, Rick Johnson, Marty Spears, Chris Edrington, Bobby Yakin, Les Shope, John Rudolph, Doug Willard Pete Narezo (g), Pedro Narezo (g), 
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:34 PM.

Meeting Agenda was presented and approved (1st Marty Spears, 2nd John Rudolph)

Minutes were approved from the last meeting (1st Rudolph, 2nd Spears)

Financial report was reported as follows by Treasurer Chris Edrington
Cash: $100
Bank: $2717.55
Accounts receivable: $0
Credits: $1769.31
Total: $1048.27
Top Ten Pot:$278

Financial report was approved (Motion to approve John Rudolph, 2nd John Vickers)  

Old Business:

Entertainment Chair Billy Owens announced that the end of the year banquet will be held on Nov. 13th beginning at approximately 3PM. The banquet will be held at Cedar Farms Plantation. We will plan to eat at approximately 5PM. Mr. Owens will be sending out an email to request RSVPs with number of guests. He will also ask that everyone sign up to bring a side dish.  

A vote was also held to donate $100 towards the purchase of firewood for Cedar Farms as a thanks for allowing us to use their facilities. (1st Marty Spears, 2nd Chris Edrington)

New Business:

Balloting for Sportsman of the Year was held by secret ballot. Award will be presented at the end of the year banquet.  

Mike Thomas reviewed the results from the last tournament on Lake Jackson.
1st-Les Shope
2nd-Rick Johnson
3rd-Chris Edrington
Big Fish-Les Shope 7.17lbs

Mike Thomas reviewed the top 10 AOY standings. Results are available on the website.

A vote was held by the top 10 members for the location and time of the top 10 tournament. It was determined that the tournament would be held from safe daylight until 4PM at Faceville Landing on Lake Seminole.

Dollar Pot was drawn and won by Dallas Johnson.

A vote was held and the Nov. 15th meeting will be cancelled because we will all be together for the banquet on Nov. 13th.  

Meeting adjourned 8:00PM