Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
November 7, 2017
Attendance: John Vickers, Mike Thomas, Billy Owens, Rick Johnson, Les Shope, John Beal, Chris Edrington, Dallas Johnson, Marty Spears, John Waugh, Rambo Waugh, Kevin Copland, and Dick Durbin.
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:30 PM.
Meeting Agenda was presented and approved. (1st Mike Thomas, 2nd Dick Durbin)
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved (1st Dick Durbin, 2nd Marty Spears).
Financial report was reported as follows by Chris Edrington.
Cash on Hand: $466.35
Bank: $2959.65
Accounts receivable: $0
Credits: $2898.05
Total: $527.95
Top 10: $224
Financial report was approved (Motion to approve 1st John Vickers, 2nd Dick Durbin)
Treasurer Chris Edrington noted that he did cash out Bryan Crowe, who announced his resignation from the TBA, and I check has been sent to him.
Introduction of guests included 5 members of the Hawg Hunters who were visiting to gain information about our club and share some information about theirs. This was in regards to the talks of a possible merger with their club. Buddy Wells, from the Hawg Hunters gave a brief overview of their club. There were talks about concerns from both memberships regarding some things that the clubs do differently. Concerns were raised over fishing on Sundays (we do at times while the Hawg Hunters do not), fishing partners (Hawg Hunters nearly always fish two to a boat), finances, and how exactly a merger would take place. The Hawg Hunters present tonight noted that a merger had not been discussed at a formal meeting of theirs. They would be having a banquet in January and the topic would be approached at that time. Some members of the TBA voiced again, as had been done in previous meetings, that they did not wish to make any changes to current club set up. The topic will be further discussed and every effort will be made to reach a decision before the tournament season starts in 2018.
Marty Spears brought up the end of the year banquet. He suggested a date of December 3 at Ingram’s Marina. The club approved this decision. Marty will send out an email to determine supplies and food needed.
Future tournament director, Chris Edrington began discussions regarding the 2018 classic. He noted that, depending location, arrangements would need to be made soon if the classic was held in January. After lengthy discussion, a motion was made to move the classic to another month and hold a classic and regularly scheduled tournament in a later month (to be determined). Hopefully, this will move the classic to a month with potentially more stable weather. Motion was made by Les Shope, 2nd Marty Spears. Motion was passed.
Rambo Waugh requested permission to invite the BASS nation regional director to come speak to the club to answer questions and give more information about the possibility of joining BASS nation. Marty Spears made to the motion to have the director come and speak with a second by Chris Edrington.
Dollar Pot was worn by Rambo Waugh
Mike Thomas reviewed the last tournament on Lake Jackson. Results were as follows:
John Beal (and big fish)
Mike Thomas
Les Shope
Mike also reviewed the final AOY standing and the top ten.
Rick Johnson
Marty Spears
John Vickers
Big Fish of the year went to Chris Edrington
A vote was held for Sportsman of the Year
Mike Thomas then set the the Top Ten tournament for Saturday, Nov. 11th. Tournament locations and times were voted on. Tournament will be held at Faceville Landing on Lake Seminole from safe daylight-4PM.
The club determined that a meeting will not be held the week of Thanksgiving but club business could be discussed further at the end of the year banquet.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:05 (1st Marty Spears, 2nd Mike Thomas)