Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
October 17, 2017
Attendance: John Vickers, Mike Thomas, Billy Owens, Rick Johnson, Les Shope, John Beal, Chris Edrington, Dallas Johnson, Marty Spears, John Waugh, Rambo Waugh, and John Rudolph.
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:30 PM.
Meeting Agenda was presented and approved. (1st Mike Thomas, 2nd John Vickers)
There were no previous minutes to approve as there was no official meeting (not enough members present).
Financial report was reported as follows by Chris Edrington.
Cash on Hand: $406.35
Bank: $2991.05
Accounts receivable: $14.80
Credits: $2583.27
Total: $828.93
Top 10: $198.00
Financial report was approved (Motion to approve 1st John Vickers, 2nd Dick Durbin)
The election for new club officers was held for the years 2018-2019. Results were as follows:
President-Rick Johnson
Vice President-John Vickers
Secretary-Dick Durbin
Treasurer-Les Shope
Tournament Chairman-Chris Edrington
Membership/Rules Chairman-Mike Thomas
Entertainment Chairman: Marty Spears
A lengthy discussion was held on the possibility of a merger with the Hawg Hunters Bass Club. Topics included:
1) Would they merge with our club or follow standard pledge protocol
2) Would their funds simply be merged with ours?
3) Would they be willing to simply adopt our constitution and bylaws without changes?
It was decided to invite a couple of members of the Hawg Hunters to our next meeting to hold some further discussion and get a sense of their expectations.
Les Shope read an email sent by a parent from Chiles High School. Her son is a member of fishing team and they are in need of boat captains. A discussion was held concerning club involvement and possible liability. It was determined that this would not be sanctioned by the club; however, Les will keep the club informed of any further communication in case a member wished to follow up on their own. John Vickers has been volunteering as a captain for a Georgia High School team and shared his experiences.
Rambo Waugh brought up the possibility of making the club part of the BASS Federation. He shared his knowledge of the rules and procedures. He will look into it further to determine its exact effect on the club and if it would be possible for only those members who wished to join do so. It was discussed that this would be a possible recruiting tool for new membership.
Dollar Pot was worn by John Waugh
Mike Thomas discussed the upcoming tournament Lake Jackson. Tournament will be held from safe daylight until 4PM on Saturday, October 21st. Mike reported that safe daylight should be approximately 7:10 AM.
Draw was as follows:
Dallas Johnson/John Rudolph
Rambo Waugh/Billy Owens
Les Shope/Mike Thomas
John Vickers/Marty Spears
Rick Johnson/Chris Edrington
John Beal/Dick Durbin
John Waugh
Next meeting November 7th at Smashburger
Meeting Adjourned at 8:35(1st John Vickers, 2nd John Rudolph)