Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
October 18, 2016
Attendance: Mike Thomas, Dallas Johnson, Billy Owens, John Vickers, Rick Johnson, Marty Spears, Chris Edrington, Bobby Yakin, Les Shope, John Beal, John Rudolph, Pete Narezo (g), Pedro Narezo (g),
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:30 PM.
Meeting Agenda was presented and approved (1st Marty Spears, 2nd John Vickers)
Minutes were not posted as of the meeting and Mr. Durbin, who took the minutes, was not present.
Financial report was reported as follows by Treasurer Chris Edrington
Cash: $330
Bank: $2717.58
Accounts receivable: $45
Credits: $1531.31
Total: $1561.27
Top Ten Pot:$250
Financial report was approved (Motion to approve Mike Thomas, 2nd John Vickers)
New Business:
Doug Willard had sent an email asking for exclusion from the draw for the Lake Jackson tournament. He fears he will have to leave before weigh in and did not want to inconvenience another member. This was voted on and approved. (1st John Rudolph, 2nd John Vickers)
Billy Owens noted that will be scheduling the end of year banquet for either November 13th or November 20th at Cedar Farms Plantation. The date will be determined by what is available at Cedar Farms. Marty Spears will be coordinating the dates and details will be finalized at the next meeting.
It was mentioned that the top ten tournament location and time will also have to be finalized at the next meeting.
It was brought up that officers will remain the same for 2017 as no one else has volunteered to take any of the open positions.
Dollar Pot was drawn and won by John Rudolph.
Mike Thomas reviewed the Lake Jackson tournament.
Tournament will be held from safe daylight until 4PM at Sunset Landing.
Draw was held and the following order was determined:
Les Shope/Pete Narezo
Dallas Johnson/Bryce Harvey
Chris Edrington/John Rudolph
Rick Johnson/Dick Durbin
Mike Thomas/John Beal
John Vickers/Marty Spears
Bobby Yakin/Billy Owens
Doug Willard
Meeting adjourned 7:52PM