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Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
October 4, 2016

Attendance: Dick Durbin, Chris Edrington, John Vickers, John Beal, Mike Thomas, Billy Owens, Marty Spears, Dallas Johnson, Les Shope, Doug Willard, Pete Narezo (P)

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm

Meeting Agenda was presented and amended to add election of officers for 2017. Moved – Vickers, seconded – Thomas

Minutes of from the 9/20/16 meeting were approved as posted. Moved – Vickers, seconded – Shope

Treasurer’s report was presented as follows:
Cash on hand$280.00
Due from members$15.00
A check to Brenda Gainey for $15.00 has been written and is being sent to her.
Moved – Durbin, seconded – Vickers

All current officers agreed to serve another year and the club approved. Moved – Dallas Johnson, seconded Durbin

Mike Thomas reviewed the Eufaula Tournament:
1st Marty Spears
2nd Dick Durbin
3rd John Vickers
4th Mike Thomas
5th Rick Johnson
6th Chris Edrington

The October 22 tournament on Lake Jackson will be from safe daylight until 4:00 pm out of Sunset Landing.

Billy Owens asked for suggestions about the date and location for the club banquet.

Next meeting is scheduled for October 18.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 pm