Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
John Beal, Tony Canington, Patrick Dooley, Dick Durbin, Don Gainey, John Harrison, Rick Johnson, Jason Junkin, Bob McCann, Larry Morris, Billy Owens, John Rudolph, Les Shope, Marty Spears, Mike Thomas, Roger Timmons, John Vickers and John Waugh
There was no meeting on September 4 due to lack of a quorum. Minutes of the August 21 meeting were accepted as posted on the club home page. Moved by Dick Durbin and seconded by Bob McCann.
Cash.................................................. $420.37
Bank............................................... $3,494.50
Credits............................................ $2,291.66
Total............................................... $1,623.21
Bob McCann moved to accept the report. John Harrison seconded. The report was accepted.
The club voted Les Shope in as a member. Larry Morris moved to accept and John Harrison seconded.
The first meeting in November will be held at Billy Owens’ shop.
John Vickers said that the extended warranty on the scales was coming up for renewal. The club voted to renew the contract for three years at $68. Dallas Johnson made the motion and Roger Timmons seconded it.
John Vickers reviewed the results of the August Lake Seminole tournament and the Angler of the Year standings.
Daylight until 3:00 p.m.
1. Marty Spears/Jeff White
2. Les Shope/Jason Junkin
3. John Waugh/Dallas Johnson
4. Mike Thomas/Tony Canington
5. John Beal/Billy Owens
6. Rick Johnson/Larry Morris
John Vickers/John
8. Dick Durbin/John Rudolph
Rick Johnson calculated that the cost of the cabins will be about $45 per night per person. The total bill will be $1,320.08.