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Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting

September 19, 2017 

Attendance:  John Vickers, Mike Thomas, Billy Owens, Rick Johnson, Les Shope, Dick Durbin,  John Beal, Chris Edrington, Dallas Johnson, Marty Spears, John Waugh, Rambo Waugh, Bryan Crowe, and John Rudolph.

Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:34 PM.

Meeting Agenda was presented and approved.  (1st John Rudolph, 2nd John Vickers) 

Previous meetings minutes were approved (1st John Rudolph, 2nd John Vickers)

Financial report was reported as follows by Chris Edrington.

Cash on Hand:  $389.33

Bank:  $2991.05

Accounts receivable:  $0

Credits:  $2553.68

Total:  $826.70

Top 10: $172.00 

Financial report was approved (Motion to approve 1st John Vickers, 2nd Dick Durbin)  

The amendment concerning proxies brought up at the last several meetings was voted on and approved as 70% of membership was available (1st Marty Spears, 2nd Mike Thomas).  Rules chairman, John Vickers read the amendment and will include it in an update to the bylaws.  Written proxies such as email, faxes, or text messages will be acceptable to use as votes regarding new membership.  It was also voted to keep the secret ballot language in the rules (1st Mike Thomas, 2nd Dick Durbin). 

Dollar Pot was worn by Dick Durbin 

Mike Thomas discussed the upcoming tournament in Apalachicola.  Tournament will be held from safe daylight until 3PM on Sunday, September 24th.  A vote was held to approve Marty Spears and Dallas Johnson fishing together. 

Draw was as follows:

1)     Marty Spears/Dallas Johnson

2)     John Rudolph/Rick Johnson

3)     Mike Thomas/John Waugh

4)     Chris Edrington/Les Shope

5)     John Vickers/Billy Owens

6)     Bryan Crowe/John Beal

7)     Dick Durbin/Rambo Waugh

It was mentioned that the Docie Memorial Tournament will be coming out of White City on Saturday the 23rd.  Members should be aware of increased boat traffic.

It was mentioned that new officer elections for the club will be the 1st meeting in October.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:52(1st John Vickers, 2nd  Mike Thomas)