Minutes of Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting
September 5, 2017
Attendance: John Vickers, Mike Thomas, Billy Owens, Rick Johnson, Les Shope, Dick Durbin, John Beal, Chris Edrington, and John Rudolph
Meeting called to order by President Les Shope at 7:36 PM.
Meeting Agenda was presented and approved (1st John Rudolph, 2nd Mike Thomas)
Previous meetings minutes were approved (1st John Rudolph, 2nd John Vickers)
Financial report was reported as follows by Chris Edrington.
Cash on Hand: $359.33
Bank: $2991.05
Accounts receivable: $14.80
Credits: $2538.48
Total: $826.70
Top 10: $172.00
Financial report was approved (Motion to approve 1st John Vickers, 2nd John Rudolph)
The amendment concerning proxies brought up at the last meeting was discussed; however, there was not the 70% membership present to hold a vote.
Mike Thomas discussed the previous tournament on Lake Talquin.
John Vickers (also big fish)
Rambo Waugh
Dallas Johnson
Mike Thomas discussed current AOY standings:
Rick Johnson
Marty Spears
Dallas Johnson
Mike Thomas discussed the upcoming Apalachicola tournament in two weeks. Mike mentioned he will contact Bay City to confirm rooms and discuss with them any damage that may occur due to the approaching hurricane. He will also discuss parking with them as the guides are likely to be operational.
Dollar Pot was won by Les Shope
Meeting Adjourned at 7:50(1st John Vickers, 2nd Mike Thomas)